Search, compare, browse, communicate
What is BINGOOO?
BINGOOO is a search- & communication browser
Product features at a glance
- Fast and complete - BINGOOO searches simultaneously through many sources.
- Data instead of links – data will be presented in a result table.
- Precise search – each search agent has its own searching mask and individual result table.
- Sorting and comparing – results can be sorted according to the selected column to make comparisons more convenient.
- Processing – search results can be utilized accordingly: as a printout, saved files, a mailing and more (HTML, Excel, txt, mail, Instant Messenging).
- Integrated browser – Websites are shown in the integrated browser on the BINGOOO interface.
- Clear orientation – you can browse easily through webpages using all BINGOOO functions at the same time.
- Messenger – with the BINGOOO Messenger you can send quick information or interesting links to your contacts in LAN or in the entire web.
- Internet-TV- and radio – with the BINGOOO communicator you can receive Internet-TV or listen to Internet-Radio.
- National & International – you can select your preference of German or international English sources.
- Quick and comfortable - only 2,7 MB, automatic updates for program and agents.
- Free of charge - BINGOOO doesn't cost anything.
- User-friendly - the download is very fast (at the moment 2,7 MB)
How does BINGOOO work?
Search and communication browser
Thanks to specialized searching agents BINGOOO allows you efficient and fast internet research. The BINGOOO research system is based on categories and agents referring to special subjects. Categories are the superior subject groups. Agents are specialized searching programs for spezial subjects within a category. The agents search through various sources at the same time. By referring to actual websites, the agents are always presenting live information. The results from the various sources will be extracted and sorted according to parameters defined by BINGOOO. Those egalized results will then be listed in a result table. As a result, BINGOOO provides the user with data instead of links so that the user can compare results at one glance. Results can be utilized in various manners and also be transmitted to others via email. The original website to which a specific result belongs can be opened in the integrated browser window. The homepages of the various sources can be opened in the integrated browser as well. The user always remains on the BINGOOO interface. While looking at a certain website in the integrated browser, the user has direct access to the result table which is active even when he maximizes the browser. As a result, the user can browse easily through different websites. The BINGOOO Messenger is an integrated communication tool for communicating in a local network as well as in the Internet. The BINGOOO Media panel allows you to receive Web-TV and -Radio.
The research with categories and agents
The BINGOOO reseach is structured by categories and agents. Each category has its own subordinated agents. By selecting category and agent the user defines the specific subject of his research. Results not fitting to the subject can be avoided this way. In the keyword line the user can enter his specific search terms – whether in one or several fields. Depending on the special agent the user will find fields for entering individual search terms or lists with defined search terms to choose from. According to those search terms the agent finds appropriate results by searching through the top sources connected. The results will be presented in a clear result table with several columns containing comparable data. For example, the result table of the agent "News General" shows the headline of the news, a short summary of its content, the source etc. To read the whole article the user can open the original website in the integrated browser.
Meta-meta-searching machine
The agent "Web" belonging to the category "search" is a kind of meta-searching machine using the most efficient searching machines in the web as sources. This agent is recommended especially for searches not limited to one subject. The user can specify his research by combined search terms. Instructions can be found in the BINGOOO online help.
Searching for news
Among the agents in the category "News", the agent äGeneral" provides the user with news of the daily press. Among the sources of that category are: International, German and regional newspapers, news services, publications and tv- and radio-stations. English news from Great Britain and the US can be found by special agents. By a simple click on the start symbol, without entering a search term, the user activates the news-ticker. Or, he can enter a search term in the keyword line of the agent "General" and then start the research. The news-ticker function can also be found using another agent – it will be pointed out in the keyword line accordingly.
Automatic online-check
Subjects such as traffic jams or flight departures mainly rely on actuality. For this reason, BINGOOO has installed the option of an automatic online check. The user can activate this option with the command äGeneral options", register "Connection", in the options menu. If activated, this function provides the user, in pre-defined intervals ,with the most updated information available. Updated information is listed under the results previously presented results. The user can distinguish new results easily if he activates the function "mark results as read".
Browsing with BINGOOO
Apart from websites referring to the result table, the user can also open any website in the integrated browser if he just enters the specific URL (web address) in the address of the browser tool bar. After entering the URL in that field the user opens the site by just clicking the enter key. for comfortable browsing, the user can change to the mere Browser mode.
Searching for shopping opportunities
In category "Shopping" BINGOOO reverts to the top adresses of eCommerce. The user can find any class of goods. The agents of the category "Shopping" search for certain classes of goods or shopping forms. The agent "auctions" provides the user with the best bids for a certain product so that he can compare them. If interested, he can join a desired auction by opening the original website in the integrated browser. Price comparison is a standard function of BINGOOO.
All shopping offers found are presented in a clear table. Data like prices and other criteria such as delivery time or product features are standardized to be comparable. The data are presented in various columns in the result table so that the user can compare directly. As a unique BINGOOO feature, users can view competing offers of different comparers at one glance. Some agents even offer the possibility to define the maximum price the user intends to invest.
Web Tours
In every category users will find an agent Webtour leading to the most important websites regarding the category's subject. This is meant to give users a first orientation within a certain subject.
Functionality of the browser
BINGOOO functions with the internet browser of the user. The user can see a result table and a website opened in the browser window at the same time. He can also open any known website in the browser by entering the URL in the address field of the browser tool bar. Functions such as "show history", "save as favorites", "Print" or "mail" (and more) can be activated with the symbols of the tool bar. The user can maximize the browser windows – the result table remains active in the background.
Sorting functions
The user can rearrange the order of the results presented in the result table according to his special interest: Similar to the Excel program, he just has to double click on the top line of the respective column and all results will be sorted accordingly.
Marking of a search term
The search term of a query is marked in the result table for faster orientation. By another entry field in the keywordline, the user also has the opportunity to search for further keywords in the table. By this, he can search (and mark) up to ten keywords in the table.
Processing of results
Search results in the table can be further utilized. By clicking the right mouse key the user opens a context menu with various options, like printing, saving as files, transmitting per email or messenger etc. Possible file types are html, csv, txt or dif (data interchange format for excel).
Further functions
Related links
In the browser window the user can also find links related to the website actually shown. The respective command will be found in the browser tool bar.
Lecturer function
BINGOOO can integrate the speaking character of Microsoft. If the function is activated, this Microsoft Avatar reads out results and commands of the BINGOOO interface to the user. This function might be interesting for blind people. More detailed information can be found in the index under the keyword äMS agent".
Help functions
BINGOOO's online help can be reached by the menu äHelp". A directory and an index of the online easily guide the user to the required information.
Apart from that, most of the BINGOOO program's functions are explained briefly by small yellow "pop-up" windows once the user has moved the mouse on a certain symbol or area of the BINGOOO surface. Each agent has its own online-help explaining its specific function and giving instruction how to use it. That agent's help is activated by clicking the right mouse key.
PC requirements
BINGOOO runs on any "pc" with internet access and Microsoft operating system (versions 95, 98, NT, 2000 oder ME).
If the Microsoft Internet Explorer is installed, the Microsoft browser will be integrated in the BINGOOO interface. BINGOOO does also work with other browsers, however, it integrates best with the Internet Explorer of Microsoft and Netscape 6. The download under the address runs fast (2,7 MB).
Automatic update
BINGOOO is updated continuously. Updates for program and agent definition files run independently from each other and will be communicated automatically to the user: As soon as a new version is online, the user gets a notification when starting BINGOOO. He can decide whether he wants to update now or later. Updates are very fast.
Information exchange in the internet with the BINGOOO messenger
Sending instant messages
The BINGOOO messenger enables the user to communicate immediately with other BINGOOO users within his own local network (LAN) as well as with external buddies in the web (Internet). By simply opening the messenger window over the menu äView" the user can access the "LAN" and "INTERNET" folders in the messenger directory. These folders indicate all buddies currently online with BINGOOO.
The user can add new buddies to the "Internet" folder over the context menu by entering the new buddies' individual messenger addresses. The person addressed will get a message asking him to accept or to refuse the admission to the user's messenger directory. A new buddy can only be added if he affirms the request positively. This security measure is also valid for the user himself, of course.
By clicking on a buddy in the directory, the user can or send him the link of an interesting website or just a text message. The instant message will appear on the buddy's screen immediately if he is online.
Receiving internet-TV und -radio
The user doesn't have to abstain from his favorite channels of internet tv or –radio: With a click on the yellow symbol in the subject line the user opens the view äonly messenger". The vertical window contains a mini tv screen with a scroll down menu to choose various channels from. Working in Excel or Word, for example, the user can watch N24 or listen to the Chart-Radio.